Successful FB FanPages driven by research

Having a successful facebook fanpage can

dramatically transform your online business into a profit-producing machine.

But you know and I know it. Trying to research successful fanpages

without wasting hundreds of hours surfing through endless

fanpages on facebook is a waste of time.

A new software can change that dynamic.

With the new “Social Page Analyzer” software, you can instantly

get 27 different data points for thousands of fanpages directly

from facebook’s internal database .. in just seconds!

Watch the demo video to see it in action here

The software has 5 built-in tools to help analyze any fanpage

and its contents in astounding detail!

You can not only get thousands of fanpages for any given niche,

but you can extract thousands of posts from the extracted fanpages

to reveal all the TOP engaging content!

Imagine knowing the best top converting fanpage posts in just minutes

for any given fanpage?

Then, you can model your own marketing based on what is already working!

See it here

Not only that, you can even extract thousands of post comments to

see exactly what people are saying, and more importantly, how they are

interacting with the content!

Plus, with the “Word Analyzer” tool, you can see all the top repeating

word combinations across thousands of comment messages or post

messages to help identify VERY useful information!

For example, you can instantly see what people “love” or “hate” about a

given product, or service. Then you can improve your own products,

or find related products that fix those issues people are talking about!

Stop wasting 100’s of hours reading through 10,000 comments and let

the Word Analyzer instantly reveal exactly what people are talking

about the most!

Solving the Facebook Crisis with UpEngage

The Facebook crisis is real. “Facebook plays a vital role in the success of most businesses. It serves as a way to connect with customers, share information about business activities, and reach out to potential clients. But changes to Facebook’s algorithm have made organic reach harder, as Mark Zuckerberg’s social media unicorn begins strongly favoring paid advertisers over the natural connections that once made the website so valuable as an advertising platform,” says Inc. Magazine. But a new tool, UpEngage is set to give the savviest marketers an edge. It does so with a suite of tools that have a proven impact. See UpEngage in Action If you rely heavily on organic reach to engage with customers, you’ve likely experienced a decline in traffic. After all, Facebook is a business, so it only makes sense that those who pay to advertise are going to get preferential treatment. But you can still maximize your results organically. UpEngage is all about engaging your FB audience with the exact image that you want on your post. This means your post will get more clicks, and if you are running the post as an ad, you will be getting more bang for your ad spend. One fundamental disadvantage of Facebook posts is that the poster cannot control what image FB will pick as a thumbnail. UpEngage is the only software of its kind to let you have full control over your redirect images. What UpEngage delivers – Built-In Quiz Creator Gives you More Engagement than simply having Images. – Built-In Image Creator AND Fully Featured Editor. (Make ALL Your Images Unique!) – Built-In GIF Creator. GIF’s are a VERY Viral Trend… Now you can have your own Unique GIF to Drive even more Traffic to YOUR Sites, Products/Services/Offers. – Built-In Scheduler to set up your Engaging, Traffic Driving Campaigns Weeks & Months in Advance..!…AND Much More..! UpEngage review, UpEngage review and bonus, UpEngage reviews, UpEngage reviews and bonuses, UpEngage OTO , UpEngage sales funnel,UpEngage discount, UpEngage bonus, UpEngage bonuses ,
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